I have one story about Phil that's my favorite. Smokey Wallace had his 60th birthday celebration on December 14, 1996. Never one to do things in a small way, Smokey hired a kick-ass bagpipe band which led party-goers in an informal parade from Smokey's house to several bars in downtown Palo Alto. Smokey bought a splendid new kilt and other attire for the occasion. Phil got into the spirit of things and rented a kilt, hat and accessories as well.Phil and another guest became self-appointed parade marshals and watched to be sure we didn't tangle with any cars. We all paraded down the sidewalk on University Avenue, much to the delight of many of the Christmas shoppers and business owners who we passed.
We all had a wonderful time until late in the evening.
After the party, Smokey told Phil he had his kilt on backwards.
-- Nancy Teater